本頁見證由顧客來函中擷取部分段落, 提供參考。
多年來, 我想盡辦法去除白色念珠菌都沒有結果, 在僅僅使用三合一友善細菌兩星期以後, 我無法相信它為我帶來的效果及這麼好的感覺,
讓我每天精力充沛。 我使用過許多其它牌子的益生菌, 從未有過如此明顯的效果, 感謝你們。
I have been trying to get rid of candida for many years.
After taking Healthy Trinity for only two weeks. I cannot believe the
it has made in how I am feeling. I have a lot more energy. I have tried
many other kinds of probiotics and have never had such a dramatic results.
Thanks for everything.
Les R.
使用結果簡單地令人驚訝, 我難以相信這麼簡單的東西能讓我如此舒暢,
嚴重的腹脹及脹氣都消失了, 消化系統及便秘問題也解決了...謝謝Natren給我一個在其它
食物中無法取得, 這麼簡單、有效, 又值得信賴的益菌補充品。
"The results are simply amazing. I can't believe something
so easy has provided me with so much relief. Gone are the severe gas
and bloating and other irregularities of digestion and elimination that
I had been experiencing...Thanks Natren for giving me a simple and effective
supplement that I can rely on to provide the right kind of good bacteria
that I obviously had not been getting from other sources in my diet."
Greg W, California
我在這麼多年以來, 嘗試過上百種產品, 每一種都說他們的產品能為你做這做那的, 讓我告訴你, 沒有人可以和你相比。
"I have tried hundreds of products over the years,
all of whom had made great claims about what their products would do
for us. Let me assure you, NONE compare with your products."
Joseph C., North Dakota
我的兒子在預產期前兩個月出生 以母乳餵食後, 他回家所吃的第二樣東西就是Natren的生命之源, 我非常有信心地說,
今天他能避免各種早產兒常見的腸胃道問題, 使用生命之源是主要原因, 我太太和我非常感謝Natren幫助我們走出生命中最可怕的夢魘, 確實地過著擁有一個健康快樂的寶貝兒子。
"My son was born two months before his expected delivery
date. The second substance he received after coming home (after breast
milk) was Natren's Life StartR. I am confident that it was a significant
factor in his avoiding any of the gastrointestinal trouble that is common
with premature babies. My wife and I are grateful to Natren for the part
your product played in helping us emerge from the worst nightmare of
our lives, into the reality of having a healthy, happy baby boy."
Brian D., California